Seguinos en Twitter (@libretachatarra) y podés ganarte imágenes como estas:

This is what the Chicago Skyline looks like from the shores of Indiana.

Helix Nebula taken by the Spitzer space telescope.
(a.k.a. Eye of God)

This is what the inside an ice cave under a volcano in Kamchatka looks like.

A little girl hands lilies to a police officer at the Porte Saint-Denis in Paris, circa 1920

A sea of fog by Tascha Helena via @500px #500px

Awesome Sand Sculpture

The way of Love by Sergey Polyushko via @500px #500px

The final instalment of Magnum's @PostcardsFromAmerica project in the America South is complete. Photo by @LBMBooks

Lake Carezza, Italy

Peter O’Toole and Audrey Hepburn on the set of How to Steal a Million.

#Sunrise over Whitley Bay in Northumberland by Owen Humphreys/PA @owenhumphreys1 #StormHour

Final Preparations via @natgeo #photography
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